Haunted Forest - Oct. 31 (5-9pm)
Join us at the Haunted Forest on October 31 from 5-9 pm
150th Avenue and 136 Street
Please bring a donation for Edmonton's Food Bank & Kidsport

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Join us at the Haunted Forest on October 31 from 5-9 pm
150th Avenue and 136 Street
Please bring a donation for Edmonton's Food Bank & Kidsport
Bring your lawn chairs and blankets and family-friendly drinks to Hudson Park.
5:30pm - Music by Kim Gates
Dusk - The Garfield Movie
Other Activities: Popcorn and Pickleball
COCL wrapped up a successful outdoor soccer season for 8 teams between U5 and U13. Thank you to all players, parents, and especially the coaches and team officials. Without volunteers, there is no soccer.
Please join us for some of our summer events!
Bootcamp - Cumberland Park (Mondays, 6:15 - 7:00am)
Yoga in the Park - Hudson Park (Thursdays, 7:00 - 8:00pm)
City of Edmonton Green Shack:
We are seeking volunteers for the Movie in the Park event (TBD) and the Haunted Forest (Oct. 31)
Please join us for some of our summer events!
Yoga in the Park - Hudson Park
Community Walks - Older Adults
Green Shack - All parks in July and August
Please check back here or on Facebook for updates on dates and times.
COCL Community Garden Beds are available for rent. Rental fee is per gardening season, paid once per year
COCL Members Rental Fees:
$20 - 5x5
$40 - 5x12
Non COCL Members Rental Fees:
$25 - 5x5
$50 - 5x12
Location: 13931-140 Street
For more information, to get involved, or to sign up for a space please email communitygarden@cocl.org
We are looking for the community's feedback about our Parks and Green Spaces. Please fill out the survey before June 15th.
Thank you to everyone for your involvement.